11Gift Ideas

Birthday Gift Ideas For Women That Work From Home

Woman working from home

Covid truly turned the entire workforce on its head a few years ago, and a lot of us are still working from home long after the main effects of the pandemic.

If you know a lady who’s still donning a home office, and you need to get her a present, you’ve come to the right place!

You always want to cater to people’s lifestyles, professions, and habitats when trying to find a good gift for them – so in this edition of my gift-giving guides, I’ll give you some great inspiration with 11 smart 50th birthday gift ideas for women who work from home!

Table of Contents


Gift her a cute and comfy ergonomic office chair

And who doesn't love a big package for their birthday?

This ergonomic office chair looks super stylish, doesn't cost a fortune, and is insanely comfortable.

If they don't already have a big comfy and ergonomic office chair, consider investing in one for them!


Make sure she's always looking great for those video conferences with a 4k webcam

If she work from home, chances are she routinely need to make video calls.

Get them one of the best (while still affordable!) webcams on the market with the 4k Depstech Webcam, this is the one I use and it works amazing!

It even comes with a little stand so it's easy to move around the desk, or on top of the monitor.



Cancel out all the distractions of the home with some noise-canceling headphones

One of the biggest frustrations many WFH-women have to deal with is the constant noise that comes from a home not originally designed to be an office. It could be the dogs barking, the neighbor cutting the gras, kids being loud, the AC blasting etc...

Either way, help her block it all out with some high quality noise cancelling headphones so he can actually focus on his work!

If you want to get her the literal best on the market right now, I recommend you go with these Sony's.

Alternatively a much more affordable option are the Commalta's!

Audiobooks concept

Gift her a beautiful bonsai to light up her space

Help her brighten up her workspace with a Bonsai tree like this one!

They look super nice on any desk and really step up the office decor in otherwise sad-looking work-from-home office desks.

Bonsai pine tree

Keep her toesies warm throughout the workday with an electric foot warmer

The hidden gem of comfort: keeping your feet warm, especially as fall and winter approaches!

This foot warmer is so so so comfy, especially for people like me who's hands and feet get cold really easily. This warmer is even greater in hotter climates where the AC is blasting at negative 1 million degrees all day long.

I guarantee she's going to love it.


Treat her to a relaxing evening with a well-deserved spa day

I am a huge proponent of spa days, regardless of profession!

Nothing relaxes you more after a long day of work, either from home or in office than a nice, well-deserved massage.

Call up your nearest spa and order her a sweet, sweet day of relaxation!

A massage, facial and some warm bath and sauna time can relax even the most tense working woman on the planet.

Mature woman having ayurvedic massage

Gift her a portable and ergonomic laptop stand for working flexibility

If she uses a laptop a lot, consider getting her an ergonomic laptop stand!

This not only makes continuous work from both home, the office, and coffee shops more comfortable - it also helps improve posture.

It's easy and portable, and can often encourage her to exit her little office cave to other parts of the house or city! (I personally use it a lot for work at coffee shops)


Cute up her office desk with a customized mouse pad

A super easy and cheap present that remains personal is a customized mouse pad!

You can add a photo and tons of notes for the people customizing it to get it exactly how you want, and your recipient will be able to use it every day!

Get her a photo of the family, the dog, the friend group, or anything else that reminds her of not work.

This gift is pretty cheap, at around $12 -- so to make it a "grander" present, consider combining it with her favorite bottle of wine.


Make sure she can always admire her motivation with a fully loaded digital picture frame

Make her office desk a lot nicer and more personal with a digital picture frame loaded with her favorite photos!

This way she can look at his friends, dog, family, beautiful locations and memories that remind her of what she is doing it all for. It's a beautiful and personal gift that truly showcases the love you have for her!

Load it with as many photos you think she'll love, and then maybe take the time to sit down later and find some more photos you can upload for her.


Keep her workspace clean with an automatic desk vaccum

This one is especially applicable if she has a bad habit of eating at her desk, and crumbs are falling everywhere.

An automatic desk vacuum gets rid of all the dust, crumbs, and remnants of whatever else you can think of in a quick and easy fashion so that the desk always remains clean!


Gift her her own personalized custom-made candle to keep her office smelling nice all day

You can play this two ways, and I think both are great!

Tons of cities have these "candle bars" where you can go in, and for like $30 make your very own candle with hundreds of scents to choose from.

For example, here in Seattle I've frequented Elm Candle Bar, where I have created candles based on what I think my recipient will like.

So, you can either go custom-make a candle for them and give it to them directly. OR you can turn it into a little experience by going with them to make it, so they can craft it exactly how they want it and you just pay for it.

With a dinner afterwards, maybe!

Just google "candle bars near me" or get creative online and you'll have the perfect present for her to place in the office!

Concept of relaxation with aroma candles on light textured table

And there you have it! 11 Great Birthday Gift Ideas For Women That Work From Home

Picking out the perfect present is always difficult, but I guarantee you that by simply catering a little bit to her profession, passions and lifestyle she’ll appreciate it more than she lets on.

Looking for other gift ideas? Check out our library of gifting guides here!

More Gift inspiration for a woman, Gift inspiration for women 50-59 years

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Profile image of Laureen West - A Department Store Gifting Expert
Hi! I'm the
Author Laureen West

Product Advisor and Purchasing Professional for department stores in Washington State. In my daytime work, I love to guide customers through their shopping journey by providing personalized recommendations and share my comprehensive product knowledge. I often get asked about gift ideas for different occasions, and I have developed a sixth sense of what people appreciate about receiving presents.

Email: laureen@gifting-guide.com

Address: 2211 N 80th Street, Washington, 98103, United States of America

Job Title: Purchaser

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